Embark on an epic journey through the depths of the Cave of Not-So-Infinite Darkness! 

As you awaken in its murky depths, surrounded by impenetrable darkness, your only goal is to find your way to the light and break free from this eerie labyrinth. Navigate treacherous passageways, uncover hidden secrets, and collect valuable items that will aid you on your quest for freedom. 

Created by Aaron Robbins for the Metroidvania Month 23 Jam, this adventure promises thrills, challenges, and the ultimate satisfaction of escaping the clutches of darkness. Are you ready to face the unknown and emerge victorious? The fate of your escape lies in your hands. Thanks for playing, and may the light guide you to victory!

Controls: Up Arrow = Jump | Left/Right Arrows = Move


CaveOfNotSoInfiniteDarkness.zip 366 MB


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(2 edits)

Here is my feedback about the game :

The Cons:

- The maniability on the ground of the character is really to slippery i had the impression of controlling a soap and it was hard to get to some platforms and I was frustrated to start over again to go on a same plateform for the 10th time

- The game is maybe too short, but really this is not a problem beceause  it is paced enough for what it have to offer

- The jump with the up arrow key isn't the best case, i think that space is a better, more natural and more convenient key for jump, or at least apply support for both jump and up arrow key for the jump

The pros:
- Good clear and suficient graphic. Special case on the the little SFX and the feeling of being in a dark cave is good! It is original to play with the light to force the player to limit the player movement this is pretty smart

- The jump sensation was pretty cool and you feel it greatly. The air sensation was pretty nice also

- SFX and music atrre good enough and serve the purpose of the game !

Anyway, congratulation, it is really a little sweat game and you can be proud of !

Short but sweet :) +1

Thank you asuriis.  Appreciate the comment.

could you post a downloadable version?

Added a downloadable for Mac, Windows 32 & 64.  It may take several seconds to launch. Thanks for playing.

well, I reallllly liked it. Just wanted it to keep going. 


Thanks for playing and for the comment!